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3 Reasons Why They Won't Support Your Vision

3 Reasons Why They Won't Support Your Vision

1. Have you heard this one? "If you build it they will come". Yea, it's pretty popular and inspirational but it's a Fallacy. The Truth is "If you position for your Avatar they will be drawn to the vision". Who is your vision for? What problem are you solving? What language do they speak? Where do they shop? 

"They" won't support Your vision but Your tribe aka Avatar will be drawn to your vision - Lets be clear; You are not for everyone

2. It's Your Vision. You ever tried on someone else's glasses? It's blurry and uncomfortable. That is often the experience that people feel when you are describing your vision. Your vision is just not clear for everyone else. It only needs to be clear for You. Side note: Your vision far surpasses family and friends; its OK if they don't support via purchase; You just need to make sure that the tribe created for your Vision recognizes it and let Your family and friends remain family and friends 

3. You are not filling Up Your Space You are holding a space. My friend; if You are not 100 about Your vision You will continue to be disappointed when someone doesn't support and/or understand the vision. You have to be committed; take every "no" as a potential 'Yes"; take every opportunity as a visionary experience; You are already qualified, stop with the one more certification. 

Some New Decade Stuff:  

  • Mindset that will Leverage your ability to reach a stretch goal 

  • A clearly written Stretch goal so that you can visit your WIN whenever you need to  

  • Doing the Work consistently and persistently 

  • Becoming Resilient so that you will recover from set backs quickly  

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